



Saturday 30 March 2019

CBSE Question Paper Of Class VII Science- Sample Question Paper Just For Practice 2019

CBSE Question Paper Of Class VII Science

CBSE Question Paper Of Class VII Science & Maths- Sample Question Paper Just For Practice 2019

Welcome back dear students, as you know my name is Taliv Ansari, you can call me SirTaliv, and in this post, I have brought for you some very important questions of science of class VII, so if you or your loved one belong to this class you can ask these questions to them or if you are a student of class VII then you can practice from these questions for a better performance in exam. I must tell you one more thing, that these questions I have brought from my school's (Where I am teaching) half yearly exam and annual exam term. So these questions are from half-yearly examination, and as well as from annual examination.
So, go ahead and practice these questions...

Half Yearly Examination

A.  Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false. (1x10=10)

1) All green plants are autotrophy.
2) Mode of nutrition in fungi is parasitic.
3) Mohair wool comes from Kashmir goat.
4) Wool is obtained only from sheep.
5) The convention takes place only in liquids.
6) Mercury is used as a thermometric fluid.
7) Tropical rainforests are found in India.
8) Animals have adapted to a particular climate.
9) Rainfall is generally measured by a hygrometer.
10) The wind blows land to ocean in winter.

B. Fill in the blanks. (1x10=10)

1) The _______ absorb food from the host plant.
2) Venus flytrap is an example of _______.
3) _______ is very rich and silky with considerable lustre.
4) Mohair wool comes from _______.
5) ________ Shining silver colour is easily visible.
6) The range of laboratory thermometer is ______.
7) _______ is a person who studies the weather.
8) Relative humidity is measured by ______.
9) A cyclone is a ________.
10) Tornadoes are also called ______.
C. Answer the following questions. ( Any 10) (2x10=20)

1) What is the storm?
2) How is the forecasting of cyclone done in India?
3) What is meant by a unisexual flower?
4) Why reproduction is necessary for the organism?
5) How polar bears adapt themselves in Polar Regions?
6) What do you know by the weather and climate?
7) What do you know by relative humidity?
8) Why is mercury preferred as a thermometric liquid?
9) What is radiation?
10) Write a note on scouring.
11) Name the Indian breeds of sheep that yield wool?
12) What is bile? Where is it produce?

D. Explain the following( Any 5) ( 5x5=25)

1) Describe the process of photosynthesis.
2) What are the fabrics? How many kinds of fabrics? Explain with examples.
3) Draw the lifecycle of silkworm and explain the process. What is scouring and shearing?
4) Explain the method of transferring the heat with an example.
5) What is the sea breeze and land breeze? Explain by drawing its figure.
6) Explain four factors on which climate of a place depends.
7) Describe the eye of a cyclone.
8) Give the difference between self-pollination and cross-pollination.

Annual Examination

A. Write (T) for true and (F) for false:       (1x10=10)

1) Food pipe is also called the alimentary canal.
2) The tongue helps in mixing food with saliva.
3) Acid feels slippery too much.
4) Turmeric contains a natural dye of yellow color. 
5) Digestion of food is a chemical change.
6) Tearing of paper is a physical change.
7) The subsoil is also called C- horizon.
8) Wheat is grown in sandy soil.
9) Fish respire through structures called trachea.
10) Artery carries blood away from the heart.

B. Fill in the blanks:  (1X10=10)
  1. --------is a simple organism having an irregular shape.
  2. -----------is extracted from linches
  3. ---------is used to make rayon, paper, and soap
  4. ----------changes are generally reversible changes.
  5. ----------is much lighter in color and is compact.
  6. The water holding capacity is highest in the ----------soil.
  7. The process of taking air is called-------------.
  8. The reaction with oxygen is known as----------.
  9. There are ---------- chambers present in our heart.
  10. The smallest blood vessel is-----------.
C. Answer the following questions: (3 x 10= 30)
  1. Why is the transport of materials necessary in the organism?
  2. What do you understand by chemical change? Give an example.
  3. Write the difference between physical and chemical change.
  4. Why do we require oxygen?
  5. Write the difference between acid and base.
  6. Write the functions of the respiratory system.
  7. What are the indicators? Give an example.
  8. What is hummus?
  9. What is the role of the stomach in our digestive process?
  10. Explain how soil erosion can be prevented.
  11. How does amoeba get its nutrition?
  12. Explain how soil is formed.
  13. Define neutralization. Give an example.
D. Explain the following: (5x2=10)

1. What is rusting of iron? Name two factors which cause rusting and suggest two ways to prevent it.
2. What does the circulatory system consist of? Give the main function of each.
3. What are the components of blood? Write the main function of each component.
4. What happens when an iron nail is dipped in copper sulfate (CuSo4) solution? Why does the color change?

E. Name the following: (1x10=10)

1. Rusting of iron (Chemical/Physical change)
2. Digestion of food (Chemical/Physical change)
3. Chalk (Write its chemical  name)
4. Glucose ( Write its chemical formula)
5. Protect us from Infections
6. Liquid part of blood
7. Carry deoxygenated blood to the heart
8. Smallest blood vessels
9. Dark colour of the soil Because of?
10. Hardest portion of the soil profile

So, what is your score hmm?
Comment below, and also give me some feedback, suggest me some things that what should I bring for you? I will definitely do that. So this much for today keep reading my other articles. Till than bbye god bless you all :)

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